annie schugart

I am a creative. I believe creativity fuels all progress.1

In more exact terms, I am a product person. I am drawn to both uncovering problems, and to building useful and novel products that solve them.

I am curious about how we can optimize our exploration of the unknown, how we can most effectively deploy and scale products to build a more equitable world, and how we can unlock value in solutions to problems — including problems people are not even aware they have.

I’m scrappy but incredibly detail-oriented, and I enjoy making shape out of ambiguity.

Currently, I'm a Product Manager at Google, building on the Google News team. A few things I’ve done that I’m proud of:

  • Built and scaled the product and product function at Column. Read more about my takeaways here, and read a few articles about my work here and here and here.

  • Dropped out of college to work at the New York Times.

  • Worked at Harvard after graduating in the computer science department’s product design and management course.

  • Spent a summer at Disney working in product.

  • Read (almost) all of Virginia Woolf’s diaries.

I am excited about building a better world that right now only exists in our imaginations, and I think it’s pretty cool that technology enables us to do just that at a quicker pace than we can even dream about.

I’m proudly from Kansas and currently exist in the Boston area.

  1. While the word “creative” might seem frivolous, I believe it is one of most important skills a person can possess. The purpose of creativity, per its definition, is to build something that is both novel and useful. ↩︎